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Selectmen's Minutes - August 8, 1994
              Selectmen's Meeting - August 2, 1994

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch serving as Chair; Charles
Flynn; Peter Jones; and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk. Also attending: Joseph Nugent, Ex. Secretary to the Board.

I. Meeting opened: Murdoch called meeting to order at 7:35pm.

II. Hanson Historical Society: Harold Towne and Bruce Young
informed the Board of Selectmen that the Little Schoolhouse
(Primary School #4) needs immediate attention for repairs:
reroofing, window replacement and painting.  The Society is askingfor a waiver of all Town fees associated with the work and for assistance with the cost of disposal of roofing shingles.  The Town is being asked for approximately $200 - 400.  The cost of the entire project is estimated in the $5,000 range.  Nugent indicated to the Board that the Building Maintenance Fund could absorb the cost of a required dumpster for shingle disposal.  Mr. Towne noted that contractors have been contacted and that volunteers would be assisting.  Selectmen thanked Society members for their fund-raising efforts and interest.  Motion 8/2/94.1: move to waive Townfees and absorb the cost of dumpster for shingle disposal. Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Jones.   Motion carried 4-0.

III. Request for Annual Flea Market on Town Hall Grounds: The
Hanson Senior Steppers are requesting the Town Hall grounds for
Saturday, September 10 for the Annual Flea Market fund-raiser.
Motion 8/2/94.2: move to approve use of Town Hall Grounds by Senior Steppers for September 10, 1994. Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Jones.   Motion carried 4-0.  Discussion included no complaints known on traffic or parking for the Flea Market or for the Harvest Farmers Market also in progress.  Town Bulletin Board to also be used to publicize the event.

IV. Announcements: (1) Hanson Kiwanis - Steak Fry: Monday, August
8th at Camp Kiwanee from 6 to 8pm.    (2) Water Ban: Water
Commissioners remind residents that the water ban remains in
effect.  Watering may only be by hand-held hose from 7 to 8 in the morning and the evening.

V. Request for Sunday Entertainment License - Alfred & Paul's:
Business is requesting the license for a juke box on Sundays.  All fees are paid and there has been no report of any police troubles.  Motion 8/2/94.3: move to grant a Sunday Entertainment License to Alfred & Paul's for juke box entertainment. Motion made by Flynn with second by Kuchinski.   Motion carried 4-0.

VI. Acceptance of Selectmen's June and July Minutes: Murdoch
entertained separate motions for various meetings. Motion 8/2/94.4: move to accept as presented the minutes of June 21, 1994. Motion made by Flynn with second by Kuchinski.   Motion carried 4-0.  Motion 8/2/94.5: move to accept the minutes as presented of June 22, 1994 meeting.  Motion made by Jones, second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 3-0-1 (Murdoch not present for meeting).   Motion 8/2/94.6: move to accept as presented the minutes of the open and executive session meetings held on July 6, 1994.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion carried 3-0-1 (Flynn not present for meeting).  Motion 8/2/94.7: move to accept the minutes of the open and executives session meetings held on July 12, 1994 as presented.  Motion Kuchinski with second by Jones.   Motion carried 4-0.    July 19 minutes will be taken up at next meeting.

VII. Committee Appointments: (1) Cable TV Committee: David Topham
requesting reappointment.  Motion 8/2/94.8: move to reappoint David Topham to Cable TV Committee.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Flynn.   Motion carried 4-0.    (2) Capital Improvement Committee:  Motion 8/2/94.9: move to appoint Lawrence Holmes Morrill of 43 Baker Street to a term on the Capital Improvement Committee which will expire on June 30, 1995.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Jones.   Motion carried 4-0.

VIII. Request Town Hall Grounds for Carnival: Hanson Lions' Club
requests the use of the Town Hall grounds for September 22 through 25, 1994 including a water hook-up.  They note that Sam Pino Company and the Lions' Club have million $ policy coverage for the event.  Kuchinski questioned the location for cramped quarters and would like future consideration given to better space.  Flynn requested that police and fire departments be contacted regarding parking and emergency travel.  Nugent stated the grounds are always well policed for debris and he knew of no complaints.  Motion 8/2/94.10: move to approve the use of Town Hall Grounds for Lions' Carnival on September 22 - 25, 1994 with water hook-up. Motion by Jones with second by Flynn.   Motion carried 3-1 (Kuchinski).

IX. Goals and Objectives: Nugent presented his list of goals and
objectives for his position for FY95 and is willing to have
Selectmen critique individually or collectively.  Murdoch suggested Selectmen write down any ideas and have Nugent combine them into a list for the full board to discuss in September.   The ideas are also needed for the FY95 Goals and Objectives for the Board of Selectmen.

X. Action Requests: (1) Kuchinski asked for consensus that the
Board had no problem with Hanson Rotary's request to put up and
take down tents as weather permits for the August 28 Fishing Derby.  Board members have no problems.   (2) Kuchinski to call for tickets at Plymouth County Extension Night at the Marshfield Fair.  She will attend as Board's representative on August 19, 1994 7-9pm. (3) Kuchinski requested status of Special Police Officer exams.Nugent believes the last two slips should be in next week. Appointment will be on agenda for 8/16/94.   (4) Kuchinski asked for Building Inspector to have updates on various complaints seen in the incoming mail (Spring Street, Maquan Street and Whitman Street).  Asked that Building Inspector have time on agenda to give status on any outstanding issues.   (5) Kuchinski noted the next meeting of the 175th Town Anniversary Committee is Wednesday, August 10, 1994 at 7:30am at the Town Hall.  All welcomed to help!  (6) Kuchinski asked if Board was willing to host a meeting to review the by-laws of the Town for the Town along with a repeat of seminars given last year on the Open Meeting and Public Records laws.  Murdoch believes that DA office would come out again.  Jones suggested incorporating the offers by Town Counsel to give free seminars.  Mary Wilson's offer was also mentioned.  Timing was thought best for September or October.    (7) Jones asked for information on the proposed August 17th meeting with school department to discuss capital issues.  After a short discussion on possible misquotes in newspaper articles, the request was made for Nugent to contact Dr. Avery for another date - possibly early September.

XI. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Thomas Hall Memorial - Cy pres action: Nugent and Kuchinski reviewed recent committee meetings and reported conclusions.  Thomas Hall Memorial Committee voted to have the filed cy pres action include the cosmetic changes suggested to Town Counsel earlier.  Nugent reported that the Library Trustees have also voted to have the cy pres action filed. Now, by a vote of the Board, the Selectmen must direct Town Counsel to take the next step of reviewing the document with town Counsel and filing it with Probate Court.  Jones asked for maintenance mechanism. Kuchinski gave short history of the Memorial Committee and noted that the Historical Society and residents have volunteered to do site maintenance.   Motion 8/2/94.11: move that Town Counsel be instructed to file the cy pres action with the changes discussed this evening.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  Tom Dahlberg asked in which court the action would be filed -  (Plymouth Probate); he also requested Board's permission to contact the Board of Health for disposal of 2 bags of plaster left at the site recently.  Permission granted and he was thanked for his concern and follow-through.   (2) FY94 Year End Financial Analysis: Nugent read his memo noting $75,000 turned back to general fund from FY94.   (3) Rockland Landfill: Nugent updated the Board on the DEP letter to Hanover indicating Rockland has not filed an ENF and that a Notice of Non-Compliance has been issued.  A meeting scheduled 7/29/94 towards issuance of a Consent order.  Kuchinski's request granted by Board that a letter from the Board be sent to DEP asking that Hanson be advised of the contents of the Consent Order as they develop.   (4) Route 58 Punch List: Nugent and Harris surveying the length of the project and are developing list of concerns.  Nugent noted that state is not satisfied with loam and seed job.  Next meeting with state is next Tuesday am and Water Superintendent to attend; police detail monies are owed; no release on the Bond to be given by Hanson until all concerns are satisfied.  

Murdoch called for any other business - none noted except Lawrence Morrill made his presence known.  Flynn welcomed him and offered his assistance as a past Capital Improvement Committee member to bring Morrill up to date.

XII. Executive Session Request: Nugent announced that there were
aspects of the Highway Contract to be discussed in Executive
Session.  Nugent noted Ridder litigation needed to be discussed in Executive Session.  Kuchinski noted her opposition to Executive Session for the Highway portion because she felt the discussion should be open since the contract was signed and discussed at previous meeting. Kuchinski asked that highway item be tabled until DA's office contacted.  Jones & Flynn want to enter Executive Session to be certain Executive Session applies.  Motion 8/2/94.12: move to enter executive session under #3 collective bargaining-grievance possible for highway department and for on-going litigation for Ridder.  Motion made by Jones with second by Flynn.  Roll Call Vote: Murdoch: Aye, Flynn: Aye; Jones: Aye, and Kuchinski: Nay.  Motion carried 3-1 (Kuchinski).

Murdoch noted no votes expected in Executive Session.  Recessed at 9:00pm.

Re-entered Open Session for Adjournment. Motion 8/2/94.13:  move to adjourn.  Motion made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion
carried 4-0.  Adjourned at 9:50pm.